Nothing About Me Without Me; Finding Strength in Circles: Part 2
May 19, 2021
Season 1, Episode 33 #33
Podcast: Nothing About Me Without Me; Finding Strength in Circles: Part 2
We all seek advice from time to time. Especially when confronted with a challenge that is unique to us. Sometimes that trusted advisor is a friend who has expertise in solving the problem we face, or a professional who can help us navigate our way to a desired outcome. And if all else fails, today we have YouTube tutorials in just about everything from how to open a jar of pickles, to Do It Yourself brain surgery! Help and support pervades our environment, if only we seek it. Seeking support in making decisions is a human condition regardless of ability. We learn and we grow as we work collaboratively and interdependently to solve problems and seize opportunity. If we aren’t allowed to make our own decisions we remain dependent on others at the expense of our own self-esteem and self-confidence.

Mary Shehan-Boogaard grew up with family members having disabilities. This set her on a path that would lead to a lifelong career, supporting the empowerment and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life. Mary is a graduate of Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. She holds a Master of Science Degree from Eastern Michigan University, and a Sexuality Education Qualification from Western Michigan University. Throughout her career, Mary has worked at a variety of organizations in the private, non-profit and public sectors. Currently, she works the position of Community Inclusion Coordinator for the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council. Throughout her more than thirty-five year career, Mary has fought for the inclusion of people with disabilities and is a frequent speaker on topics such as, Self-Determination, Person-Centered Planning, Supported Decision-Making, Expanding Employment for Youth, and Sexuality Education.

Bonnie is the Chairperson of the Michigan Developmental Disability County and is a trained presenter for various programs supporting advocacy in self-determination for individuals with disabilities. Bonnie also serves as a Peer Mentor for other individuals with disability. In addition Bonnie works for Health West, a provider of mental health services in Muskegon, Michigan.
- Intelligent Lives Movie Info Link - ABLE Account information - Michigan Alliance for Families: source of documents for supported decision making.
- Supported Decision-Making Power Point
- (If you so not have PowerPoint, please read this by Microsoft: View a presentation without PowerPoint)
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