Party with a Purpose – Coordinating Goals and Support for a Self Determined Life
Season 2 Episode 1
July 28, 2021
Podcast: A Party with a Purpose – Coordinating Goals and Support for a Self Determined Life
Season 2/Episode is an interview with Annette Downey, the Executive Director of Community Living Services, an organization that provides Independent Support Coordinators, (abbreviated as ISCs) for Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Kent Counties in Michigan. And as of July 2021, CLS has expanded their services to Ottawa County.
For non-Michiganders tuning in I think you will find this interview relevant as well. No matter where you live in the United States or its territories, people with disabilities receiving Medicaid funded supports have the right to request an ISC. Annette will share with you the advantage of working with a support coordinator who is independent and serves as your advocate.
For those of living in Ottawa County you will soon have a choice to make. You now have the option to select your own coordinator via Community Living Services. ISCs are self-employed, extensively trained and knowledgeable. Being self-employed they are focused on helping you achieve the quality of life you want without conflict of interest in recommending a services based upon cost, or agency bias either for or against a service provider.
Making an educated decision is in your best interest. It is my goal that this conversation with Annette Downey will inform you about the benefits of choosing an independent support coordinator through Community Living Supports.
We hope this episode is of value to everyone who listens to it. Your feedback and comments are always welcome. Please contact us by email at

Annette Downey – Chief Executive Officer & President
Billie Nagi – Executive Assistant to Annette Downey
Annette Downey is based in southeast Michigan but has worked on national projects as far away as Israel and Ontario to Wisconsin, Delaware, and several states in between. Most of her projects focus on Person-Centered Planning, Self-Determination, Real Life Quality Outcomes, and Community Focused Planning for people with developmental disabilities. Annette also provides training nationally through the Association of People Supporting EmploymentFirst or APSE. She also participates on the faculty of the University of Delaware’s National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities as well as provides training to four large New York State Provider Alliances. Downey is a Licensed Social Worker through the State of Michigan since 1995 and a graduate of Central Michigan University.
CLS Anti-Stigma Video -
Peer Mentor Video
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