Disability Rights Michigan: Legal Protection and Advocacy for PWD
February 10, 2021
Podcast: Disability Rights Michigan: Legal Protection and Advocacy for PWD
Michelle Roberts: DRM Executive Director
Michelle Roberts is the Executive Director of Disability Rights Michigan. She brings passion and knowledge of disability rights from her long-time demonstrated commitment to the work of DRM and over 25 years of experience serving people with disabilities.
In 2002 Michelle joined DRM as an advocate on the Community and Institutional Rights (CAIR) team. She was promoted to Director of Advocacy in 2005 and has managed in this capacity until her appointment to Deputy Executive Director in 2018 and then Executive Director in 2019.
She holds two Bachelor of Arts degrees, in Psychology and Social Psychology, from Western Michigan University. She has served in the mental health field as a support coordinator for Community Mental Health, a psychiatric care specialist for a private psychiatric hospital, and a provider running independent living programs for adults with mental illness.
Michelle is a member of the National Human Trafficking and Disabilities Working Group, the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee, the Brain Injury Association of Michigan Conference planning committee, and the Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services Home and Community-Based Services Implementation Advisory Group. She is co-chair of the National Disability Rights Network Advocacy Work Group.
Michelle has presented for many regional and national organizations, hospitals, conferences, and universities.
Who We Serve
DRM serves people with disabilities. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities and may occur at any time in life. DRM also serves children under age 10 who are identified as being at risk of having a disability.
DRM advocates and lawyers advise individuals with disabilities of their rights and responsibilities and advocate for their human, civil and legal rights within the state of Michigan. DRM has broad access authority to monitor institutions and advocate for people with disabilities who live in them.